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Intelligence: Bush and bin Laden

Far From Declining, Al Qaeda Has Rebuilt, With Fresh Faces and a Vigorous Media Arm

by Hal Brown (Capital Hill Blue, 2007-09-09)

Is it too much to hope that Bush will read the long Washington Post front page article about Osama bin Laden and Al Qaeda? Would spending ten - okay 30 - minutes reading about this most dangerous of world leaders and his mercurial country (aka al Qaeda) be too much of an effort for him? If Bush really believes "we are fighting them there (Iraq) so we don't have to fight them here," he needs a stiff dose of reality.

The rest of the story:

The New Al Qaeda Central by Craig Whitlock (The Washington Post, 2007-09-09)
Hal Brown's commentary (Capital Hill Blue 2007-09-10)

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